Saturday, January 14, 2012


This Blog is just to respect the inspiring soul on the Birthday 12th January. Of course Belated. But ater than never. I am Swamy's soul would forgive me! Swamy Vivekananda and history of a short period of 39 years of the greatest Monk of Mahabharat(India) do not require any introduction or a few words further from me nor can I write more because I am an Ant when compared to the Caprisoned Elephant of Indian Philosophy! Swamy became World Famous with just one speech delivered in the Parliament of Religions held at Chicago in the year 1893 The seed is put in the ground and earth and air and water are placed around it. Does the seed become the earth or the air or water? No! It becomes a plant.It develops after the law of it's own growth assimilated air,threaten and water convert them into a plant substance and grows into a plant The case of any Religion is the same.The Christian is not to become a Hindu or a Buddhist nor a Hindu or Buddhist to become a Christian. But each must assimilate the Spirit of the others. And yet preserve his individuality and grow according his own law of growth. What the greatest monk of Mahabharat( India ) preached in 1893 in Chicago is equally applicable to every Religion in the world and vice versa. Swamy desired to briing up the Poor and untrodden in India by educating them.Swamy desired to spread the Gospels of Swamy's Guruji Shri. Ramakrishna and the essence of Religion & Vedic Philosohy of India to even to the weakest,poorest& meanest of the society Before. Leaving for attending the the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago ,Swamy desired to have an inner certitude & inner Devine call.this Swamy got while sitting and meditating in the Rock- Island of Kanyakumari If one remember his Gospels of Religions,Vedantic Philosohy & Swamy's Noble Ideals the Evil thoughts in mind & desire to achieve more & more honors and wealth would disappear like Mist in the Sun! Sreedharan Mundanat

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