Tuesday, January 3, 2012


No one need any introduction to the Famous temple at Thiruvananthapuram Over 90,000 CRORES of Rupees worth of Gold,Diamond,Platinum other ornaments called "NIDHI " was found in the search conducted by. Committee appointed by Supreme court just from a few Vaults opened so far. The earlier Govet of Kerala had design to annex the money to the rulingbParty & Government when Supreme court intervened while considering a Case came in front of them to take a decision of True Justice. Earlier based on a case filed by the Then Govt the High Court of Kerala had suggested taking over by the Ruling Government which belonged to the Leftist Parties of the Goverment. had this been approved by the Supreme Court the Party Funds & the pockets of Left @&its so called Leaders could have become Richer without an element ofvBenefit coming to the Poor people of the GOD'S Own Country. Many private individuals also had eyes on the The NIDHI to put their hands in it & take as much as allowed by the situation!! THANKS TO SUPREME COURT FOR NOT ALLOWING THIS DESIGNS TO WORK! there are also reports that some Banks too had eyes concentrated on the NIDHI though there are no sufficient reliable le evidence came to light to prove this Any how at the moment the opening the remaining Vaults under the Grounds of the Devine Temple remains stayed by the Court perhaps,with a view to avoiding any evil designs by Greedy people of the state & around the World. After the Temple was becoming the richest known Temple in the World and was about to find a place in the Guinness Book,it is reported about the flow of Forein people in Plenty to the City of Trivandrum Perhaps all have already planned robbery in the style of the famous story of Shalimar! Expert thieves of the World would find Ways & Means to get access to the Temple soon. During Search by the Committee appointed by Supreme court Goldern Idol of MAHAVISHNU worth 500 CRORES of Ruppees & m any ornaments & Angis used for the Festival in the Temple were also found.Apart from this numerous gold coins have also been found. When the last vault also gets opened& the search finally over the value of the NIDHI could become beyond imagination. With evil designs in mind and because of unsuccessful attempt to take claim on Idukki district& Mullapperiyar large number of Tamilians are understood have already on an Exodus to the city of TVM. Besides,flow of Foreigners to stated to be on the progress without any control Above all the New Evil Design of Tamil Naadu to file petition in the Supreme Court climbing their part in the NIDHI is also understood have progressed with advice from TN Government Thus the matter is going to be worse than Mullapperiyar shortly. In the circumstances,the people of the GOD'S Own Country living in the State& around the world should maintain moe interest in the matter & become alert to thwart all evil designs of people of other States in India around the World. This is a matter of grave concern for all those who can think wisely and do something for the sake of our MotherLand& and Mother state. SreedharanMundanat

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