I am a regular blogger who started writing Blog from November 2011.
So far I have completed 492 Blogs .Some of them are based on information available on net .A thorough study was being made to attempt Blogs as a result of which the general knowledge I had has increased manyfold.
Although I have written Blogs on variety of general topics ,I had never tried the field of Recipe.Some of my friends insisted upon exploring this field also with a view to ensuring contribution of some useful recipes for the benefit of house wife's& household women .
So here is my first attempt tontry a recipe beginning with the Popular Ada Dosa .The Ada Dosa is one of the major varieties of Dosas which can be used for Breakfast as well as an evening snack,.Thus this variety of Dosa serves a dual purpose.
This Dosa is very tasty with the use of favourite Chatney or different types of Sambar.
Usually many people insist upon the chutney varieties to go with this. They are traditional Coconut Chatney,Tomato plus ginger plus onion chatney,Dhania chutney,Onion plus chilly plus coconut chutney, and other varieties according to the choice of the user.
The powder chutney also can go with this to add to the taste of the dish
Generally people prefer Sambar also besides chutney.There are many people in the South who insist upon chutney as well as Sambar.They follow the principle of first course with Chatney sand the second with Sambar.
Now let us have a look at the ingredients required for the preparation of Ada Dosa & how it is being made:
The ingredients are as shown below:
1 cup of boiled rice or Idli/ Dosa rice according to the choice of the user
1 cup of Urad Dal( skinned)+ ulundu parippu
1 cup of Mix of Toor dal& Chana dal.
5 dried red chillies.
A few curry leaves
One onion sliced thin
1/4,tsp of Asafoetida powder/ Perum kayam(Tamil/Malayalam)
1/2 cup of grated coconut
1 tsp of salt
1 tsp turmeric powder
gingelly or Indian sesame oil or choice like olive oil,coconut oil etc for making the Ada/ Adai.
1)Soak the rice,Urad dal& Mixed dal separately in water for at least 2 hours of a maximum of 4 hours.Add the red chilly also to another bowl & let it also soak.Or as an alternative one tsp of red chilly powder
Can be added to the Dals while grinding.
2)Grind the Urad dal with little water. It need not be grinder super smooth.Similarly grind rice also to half smooth paste.
3)Finally grind the mixed dal to a paste.if preferred a little bit of coconut can also added while grinding.
4) Mix These along with asafoteda,salt,chopped onion,Turmeric& curry leaves.
Mix well with enough water so as to make it to a Dosa batter( the thickness depends upon the choice of the user)
In regard to the consistency of the batter.
Now the Batter is ready and would look like the picture below:
Now is the time for readying the Griddleor Tawa.after making it enough hot with Gas flame under it,Pour the Batter
On to the towa then spread it into a circle.Make sure the Dosa is not too thick .If thick spread into a
biggercircle to reduce the thickness until it reached the desired level of thickness.
After a while turn over the Dosa on the Towa ,to get it cooked until the brown color is achieved.
Now the Ada Dosa/ ADAI Dosa is ready for serving along with the chutneys ,Sambar or Powder Catney or in special
Caes all the varieties of Chatneys & Sambar together.
In Tamil Naadu the ADAI Dosa is being served with AVIAL ,a mixed vegetable dish.
This is a tasty vegetable dish and can be followed in Kerala also where the practice is not very popular.
However ,AVIAL is made in Kerala also with meals at noon or for dinner.
Thr story goes that the balance of left over vegetable from feasts are cooked together to make the AVIAL
Though originnally the idea was to avoid waste of vegetables.
But later on it turned out to be in such a way that the AVIAL replaced all the other dishes in the quality& taste.
At present there is no feast without AVIAL.
So no harm done,if AVIAL is used along with Ada Dosa also.
Sreedharan Mundanat
6th May 2015
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