The prime minister of the newly elected Government of India got himself into this position by convincing the people
Of India about the well known development in his state called Gujrat.
Even after becoming the Prime Minister he seems to be more ambitious to get more publicity in the name of Gujrat .
In order to achieve this goal ,the easiest way he thought about was to introduce a new fastest train called Bullet
Train between Ahmedabad and Mumbai.
The present fastest train between the the two big cities takes around 8 hours. If the bullet train is introduced
this running time of the train could be reduced to half of the present running train to cover a distance of
520kMs in 4 hours.Indeed a very good idea.
But the approximate cost of the bullet train is not so welcome for the ears.It is a gigantic figure of 60,000
crores.Similarly the cost of laying track for the present type is an estimated 15 crores whereas for the Bullet
train it is 125 crores.That means more than 8 times of the present cost,the increase being 5 cores more.
The cureent daily travel traffic of the people working in Mumbai and coming from outside is between Mumbai&Pune.
People from Pune for this purpose mostly depend upon the Decan Queen which is the current fastest train between the
Two cities.this train takes abbot 3 hrs 15 minutes.The retun train from Mumbai to Pune in the evening is the same
train in the evening from Mumbai..People depend upon various othertrains also.
The number of people traveling daily from Pune to Mumbai or from valsad to mumbai or even from Baroda to Mumbai
are larger than from Mumbai& Ahmedabad.
The distance from Pune to Mumbai is just 192 KMs.Or from Baroda it is about 5 hours distance.
So on a trial basis it could have been better had the Prime minister thought about Mumbai-Pune track.
Any how,that is a matter not of much concern at the moment as it has not been finally approved.
The fastest train in the world was introduced in Shanghai in the year 2003.the distance covered was 301 KM in about
9 minutes from Shanghai Airport to suburbs.
This train introduced for the first time was called MagLev trains because the running of the Train depended on the
Levitation principle of Magnets.
The force between two parallel currents in the same direction is attractive& if they are in opposite direction they
are repulsive.This is the principle employed in the Maglev trains.As the name indicates the levitation property of
magnet is the basic principle of the running of the train.
Magnetic Levitation is a method by which an object is lifted and suspended from aboveWith no support other than
Magnetic field.
The magnetic force also help to counteract the effect of gravitational Accleration or any other Accleration.
The primary issues involved are Lifting forceProviding an upward force sufficient to counteract gravity an
Thus the Maglev trains while running will be lifted rom the track and could be put back to the track to stop by
using principles of Attraction and Repulsion.
Had the Bullet train introduced between Pune& Mumbai the approximate cost for 200 KM could have been restricted
to 115 crores for the project and 5 crores for laying the track.
Had the Pune-MumbAi-Ahmedabad project was introduced instead of Mumbai - Ahmedabad project the whole work
connecting the three big cities could have been finished at an approximate cost of 60115 crores for the Project
and 20 cores for laying the advanced track required for the Bullet train.
Why this has not been thought about and instead proposed the present Mumbai- Ahmedabad project is unknown.
Had the Pune- Mumbai- Ahmedabad project is taken into account all the present difficulties of crowded trains like
84 year old Decan Queen and similar trains could have been avoided and put the public to more convenience.
Thereason why this too was not thought about is also unknown.
If the Maglev type train introduced in Pune -Mumbai ,the time it could take can be reduced to 6 minutes from
3 hrs 15 minutes taken by the Deccan Queen taking into account the the time taken by the Shanghai airport to
Shanghai suburbs by the maglev in China.
The cost of the project &laying of track for maglev train could have been much more ion the higher side the exact
amount will have to be worked out with ant consultancy Agents.
As the proposal of the Bullet train has notbeen finalized,there is still time and scope for a rethinking of the
proposals pending with the Railways on the line mentioned above.
The fastest train of Maglev type is in Japan which covers 530 KM per kM
Sreedharan Mundanat
14th May 2015
Kindly read the last sentence in this blog as like this.the last word" 530 KM per KM " isctobe correctly read as " 530 KM per Hour" & not per KM
ReplyDeleteThe error occurred inadvertently is deeply regretted
In line 37 from above& 13 from below the cost of Rs 60115/- may please be read as Rs 83,000/- crores approximately
ReplyDeleteThe arithmetical error is very very deeply regretted.
Sreedharan Mundanat
In line 22 of the blog there is an error which may please be corrected as under:
ReplyDeleteIt has been mentioned that the Shanghai Maglev Train takes 9 minutes to cover 301 KM.. It is not 301 but 30 KM
Similarly ,in line 8 from below it is mentioned Redced time as 6 minutes..this may please be corrected as 54 minutes and not 6 minutes.
Error is deeply regretted
The Bullet train Project was the first project announced by the Government when they wrested power from UPS Government.
ReplyDeleteAt that time there were whispering among people and Political parties that it was for pleasing theBusiness community of Gujarat as a gift to them on assuming power.
Later on TheMahara Norman Sena Party protest against the project.
The Raill corridor passes through 110 villagesof Palghar Village of Maharashtra.
Now the other political Parties ofMaharashtraviz NCP& Shivsena also joins the stir .
Thismakes the progress of the Mega project in volving enormous amount of many many crores whereas there are many normal trains running between Ahmedabad and Mumbai.
The common people do not stand to enjoy any benefit from the Bullet train as the tailgate is likely to be very high.
So the present situation is serious in Palghat where villagers do not agree to the Acquisition of their precious land used for agriculture.
Thus a project not of much use to common people is likely to adversely affect their livelihood of Agriculture.