The main reason for the risk of Cardiovascular Diseases among men is that they do not visit Doctors as much as
women do.While the reasons are partly biological,their approach to health is some what indifferent.This mainly it
appears that men believe their health is being maintained fairly and need not visit Doctor frequently by ignoring
the pressure from Work.
In short they do not consider the risk until things take a turn & compelling them to look into the matters of
Heath. Mostly while they recognize the fact ,it becomes too late to take treatment particulary in the case of
Cardio Vascular diseases.
Cardio Vascular Diseasesvhave become A leading threat to the life of men as compared to women who visit Doctors
Heart diseases& strokes Are first &?second leading Causes of death worldwide.
In the case of Cardio Vascular diseasesCholesterol Plaques gradually block the ArteriesIn the Heart& Brain.If a
Plaque becomes unstable a Blood clot forms blocking the Arteries resulting in Heart attack & Stroke.
Diabetes& high Blood pressure two factors contributing to the speedy approach of Cardio Vascular Diseases.
In this connection ,my earlier Blogs on Blood Pressure,Cholesterol,ante oxidants, A few tips to eating Well for
Long life, dt16th August 2014, 24thAugust2014, 11th August,& 12th August 2014 ,and most importantly on Heart
Attack & Angioplasty dt6th January 2012 are relevant & interconnected which are likely to provide a fairly good
Information on CardionVascular Diseases& Heart attack.
In Kerala, there are expert Doctors in the Shri Chitra institute of Medical Sciences& Technology,Trivandrum,
The Amrita Institute of medical sciences,Edappally,Kochi,The Amala Institute of Medical Sciences ,Amala Nagar

,Thrissur where expert Advice and Treatments are available.
In so far as heart Attack & Strokes are concerned periodical check up with Doctors and various Tests like Blood
Tests and Lipid Profile tests suggested by them should be carried out without loss of least amount of time
as later than never principle applies in these matters strictly.
All the best for a Healthy Heart& Brain in order tomlead a healthy life.
Sreedharan Mundanat
12th 2015
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