Sygmond Frued Was an eminent Australian Neurologist and Psychiatrist who was the first scientist to maintain the
view that there existed life after death also.He lived as early as between 1836 and 1939.He maintained that the
body& brain die but the soul/Spirit escapes to unknown place.But lives.Many scientists later maintained that the soul exists and every human being has a soul/ Spirit
Different religions believe differently but almost all maintain that a soul/ Spirit exists.The Hinuism also believe
that the soul enters another body and takes rebirth.But the soul may not remember which body it was present
So goes the religious thoughts without a clear answer.
Many organizations like Speaking Tree discussed the matter widely with pictures& illustrations on the Facebook.
Those who are interested could go through their views once they contact Speaking Tree organization through the
Face book.
One of the most recent eminent person Shri,V.R.Krishna Iyerr,who died recently,maintained that the soul existed and
there is life after death.He was a retired Chief Justice and also a person who had belief in the principles of
the leftists.Although leftists do not believe in God or in Superstitious beliefs ,Shri Krishna Iyer had his own
reasons to believe in what he wrote in his books about life after death.A chief justice retired can not be a person
believing in Superstitious matters.he was an intellectual.So was another chief Justce Shri.Hidayattullah also
maintained that there is life after death.Similar views were held by the retired President of India Shri KR
Narayanan.All these learned persons ,when they say that there is life after death can any one of us deny their
views totally.They all have read thousands of books on literature & Philosophy& religion besides Law books.
The Holi Bible & Bhagavadgeeta also say that there is life after death
Let us see what Shri Krishna Iyer has in store to establish what he says.
Shri.Krishna Iyer was a firm believer that his wife Sarada Krishna Iyer was the sole reason for his coming up in
life to the level of a chief Justice.
An event narrated by Shri Krishna Iyer is very much astonishing nfascinatingin nature.When he was a Judge in the
Supremecourt his wife fell Ill.As it was a bit of serious nature Shri Krishna Iyer took her for treatment to
But unfortunately ,his wife passed away in London.She could not be saved with the treatment.
Krishna Iyer who returned to Delhi with a broken heart decided to leave the house in Teen moorthy Nagar where he
was living with his wife.Another Justice Shri V.D.Gupa who had got protium had occupied tha house earlier occupied
by Shri. Krishna Iyer.
One day Shri Krishna Iyer received a call from Mrs V,D.Gupta telling that she was visiting Shri.Krishna Iyer for
Some personal discussion.As soon as she arrived ,she asked for the photo of Late Mrs Krishna Iyer.When she saw the
photo,she was stunned and said the woman had come on the previous day to Teen moorti Bhavan and was wearing the
same sari in the photograph and talked with her.Mrs Gupta also said that she was absolutely certain about the
MrsGupta also said that the woman introduce herself as the wife of Krishna Iyer
When the woman also told that Mrs Sarada Iyer mentioned about the reluctance of her husband to consult a doctor
about his problem in the left eye,Krishna Iyer was stunned.according to Krishna Iyer it was an evidence of life
after death because it was a secret between him & his wife.if thiswomwen says she met a woman who claimed herself
Mrs Sarada Iyer & revealed this secret it has to be the sign of life after death.
Shri Krisha Iyer had mentioned in his book on " life after death " another incident of proof for life after death
This incident goes like this:It is about one Miss Neeraja Mishra.she was a young & beautiful woman, according to a
Women Magazine ,with highly talented English speaking as a result of which shevwas selected as a Fliight Purser by
thePan American Airlines.Whileworking in this capacity,once her Aircraft has to stop in KarachinAirport to fill
aviation fuel.All of a sudden 5 young men with weapons entered the aircraft & announced the aircraft was being
Hijacked.There was strict instructions from the Hijackers that no one should move from their seat and should stick
to their seats.among the chaos that followed the Pilot and other officials ofbthe aircraft escaped .the women &
children started crying for help.
Miss Neeraja could have escaped alongwith other aircraftbofficials .But she did not try. she determined that it was
her duty to rescue the women & children unhurt.in pursuit of a way to do this she opened theEmergency exit and
allowed many women & children escape through it.The Hijackers who were busy in torturing the passengers did not
notice what Neeraja was doing.But when they saw many escaped with her help jeopardizing their plan to negotiate
with the Authorities,got extremely angry ,They virtually tortured and raped Neeraja & finally shot her dead
Shri Krishna Iyer further reveals that in those days there was a Parsy woman in Bombay who was capable of
communicating with the dead!.The parents of Neeraja,Hareesh & Rema contacted this Parsees lady to find out whether
she could communicate with her daughter who was dead under unforeseen& unfortunate circumstances.Hareesh had no
Belief in these matters of communicating with the dead.But when the Parsees Lady started enabled Rema to
communicate with Neeraja,many messages came from her in absolutely refined & polished English only Neeraja could
use..The Parsees woman can not use such language ,the words of which were very familiar to Hareesh,he was forced to
believe that it was Neeraja who sent messages with the help of the Prsee woman through Rema.
So Krishna Iyer establishes that that there was life after death also.
The Bhagavath Geeta also says that it is just like changing dress. The soul after death again take birth
The theories of Krishna Iyer amounts to the same philosophy that the life did not begin at birth & will not end
with death..Before one came to earth ,one's sou/Spirit might have lived with one's heaveny father who created
one. One knew Him& lived& loved by Him.It was a happy time when one was taught about happy time & joy of
happiness.But just as one leaves his parens when one grow up ,God knew that one should do the same.God knew that
unless one Leaves for a while one can not progress.Hence the death is destined to take birth
So to conclude it has not been established beyond doubt until now that there is life after death though there is
no harm in believing so.After all we all live in belief of different kind.All beliefs are one at the same as far
as God is concerned.
At the same time the question of Life after death is like a dilemma .It is difficult to pass on through the Horns
of this dilemma.
However,it is more desirable and safe to believe that there is life after death instead of believing that there
is life after death.
Let us take the views of one of the most renowned and universally acceptable philosopher Swamy Vivekananda.
According to to Swamy Vivekananda,The Soul orAtma is immortal.And also Soul or Aathma is not attached to the body.
According to the Swamy when one dies the body perishes but not soul.Soul escapes.
This view is similar to the views in Bhagavadgeeta,and other Vedas like Bible.
So this being acceptable ,there does not appear to have anything wrong or any harm Doherty if one does the "
Pindam" or " Shraddham" to a dead person.
While the soul is immortal and independent and capable of entering another body ,the body is considered to be
Mass or Matter.
There is one Higgs Boson theory which has recently in March 2015 approved as true by a group of a Scientists in
Earlier in Geneva, Switzeland an experiment of big collision of energy was carried out to find the theory of
Higgs Boson about God Particle .this is what has recently been approved as true..butthe theory of Higgs Boson was
Relating to Mass and Matter.
So still a doubt exists like Soul the God Particle also be considerd with the same status of soul in Hindu
The answer to this does not seem to be forthcoming.

However,believing that the theory of Soul is immortal mentioned in Bhagavthgeeta,Bible,and by Swamy Vivekananda
as true and by believing again the God Particle in Mass/Matter by Higgs Boson is also true ,there does not appear
To have anything wrong in believing the Soul entering another body. Hence there, it would appear ,is
Life after Death
In order to enable those who are desirous of probing the Higgs Boson theory further , a picture of the collision
and before the collision of Energy is depicted above and below:
In spite of all what is brought above,still there appears to be an element of doubt as to whether there is life
after death as is mentioned in Bhagavgeetha,Bible and leading prominent philosophers.
This doubt is prevailing since 300 years .
Let us hope there would be a categorical and definite answer to the question soon as researches are also in
Sreedharan Mundanat
13th May 2015
The sentence in the blog viz Shri VD?Gupta got " protium" may please be read as " promotion" .
ReplyDeleteSorry for the error.the iPad I use is also partially responsible for the error.
Anyhow,the error is deeply regretted
Sreedharan Mundanat
Doherty appearing in the blog may be read as " done"
ReplyDeleteIncidentally Doherty is an Australian cricketer.
IPad is more familiar with him than " done" I think.
This blog was written at 6-18am {¡st} on 2nd March 2019
ReplyDeleteThe iPad used to write is showing US time ad it was purchased there and used for sometimes
The date and time remained unchanged.
Very thought provoking and inspiring words. Reincarnation and near death experiences are attached to PARAPSYCHOLOGY. I was reading an old Mathrubhoomi article on NDE by Justice Krishnaiyer, as a part of my preparation to my next MÀLAYALAM book on Parapsychology. Thanks