Honey Bees are wonderful builders of their nests based on mathematical principles.
Of coursed an instinct provided by the Mother Nature.
Let us see how this phenomenon Has been established logically by Popus Alexandria.
There is a universally approved principle in Mathematics that a Hexagon is bigger than a square or TriangleY and
could hold more weight in the area as compared to Square or Triangle.
popular Alexandria says this is exactly the principle on which the Honey Bee builds it's nest of Honey to
accommodate more honey in terms of weight.
Honey Bees have not studied Mathematics.But nature' instinct taught them.That is why they use least expenditure of
energy& material to build their Nests full of Honey.They undertake the building somehow
without knowing the principle mentioned above.
Of the Hexogon,Square& Triangle ,the Hexogon has the smallest perimeter for a given area.
Are they better mathematicians than human beings?,Sometimes it would appear so!.
The bees when constructing Hexogonal Prism Cells in the Hives,they use less wax& employ
less energy to enclose the Same space than if tessellating space with prism of Squares or
Triangular bases.
The Honeycomb walls are made up of cells which are 1/80Of an inch thick ,yet can support
30 times their own weight.a honey comb Of 14.5"x8.5" can hold more than 5 pounds of Honey.
The bees are constructing Hexogonal PrismsIn three rhombic sections and the walls of Cell
meets at exactly 120 degree angles..What is more amazingis the fact that bees work
simultaneously on different sections Forming a comb with no visible seams.
Even more amazing is the ability of navigating by the Honeybee using their built-in
compas on their face.It habeen proved that the Bees'Orientation is influenced by the
earth's magnetic field.The bees can detect minute fluctuations in the Magnetic field of
the Earth which can usually be detected by sensational Magnetometers.This explains why
bees can build a new hive starting from different parts of the new areawithout any bee
directing them.
All the bees orient their new comb in the same direction of their old hive.
The honey bees get their Mathematical training through the instinct. Of nature provided
to them via Genetic codes.
So how Amazing is the talent they employ which is provided by Mother Nature by instinct.
Despite this,the human beings who should learn amazing techniques from them & use it for
their benefit are instead destroy their hives & steal their Hard earned Honey.
This is happening all over the world ,perhaps to proclaim the principle for the survival
of the fittest.Fire is used to destroy the beehives enroute to taking the honey.most of
the hard workers among the bees get killed while fire is used.
But, in fact,it amounts to absolute cruelty because the efforts behind building their
nests are manyfold harder than what human beings employ in building a house for them.
Cruelty, thy name is Human!!!
Sreedharan Mundanat
9th May 2015
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