Friday, April 12, 2013

SUN's WRATH-WORST SOLAR STORM. The Solar storm is ,perhaps,the worst form of Wrath from sun.The most powerful solar burst from Sun (solar storm) Has taken place on the 11th of April 2013.This could spark out temporary block out on radio activities on Earth According to reliable sources of NASA. This Storm had also coincided with an eruption of Superhot Solar Plasma known as coronal Mass Ejection. This is understood to be the strongest Flare of the kind in 2013. This phenomenon could prevent the smooth functioning of manmade Satellites established in the Galaxy by various Nations. So interruption on communication system is possible. These burst of mass ejection could reach Earth within 3 days from 11th of April. But no need for over anxiety over the incident because the The RadiationElements involved in the burst would be destroyed in the Atmosphere itself before touching the earth. It is understood from experts from NASA that these mass burst travels through atmosphere at a speed of 966 KM per Second. This phenomenon is also called Technically as GEOMAGNETIC STORM. NASA has issued a warning that although this storm may not affect the life on earth ,it could paralyze the Satellite communication System around the World. Further details are unknown at the moment.Three days wait would be with to know more about the effect of the Solar storm


  1. In the last sentence of the above blog the word "with" may be replaced by "worth" & read correctly

  2. There is a phenomenon called the Sun spot activity which follows a 11 yer cycle.It may be that it is this April 2013 that fits into the periodicity of the phenomenon.
    There might have been a past in the history of human civilization when men thought that these turbulences are due to the wrath of some super human beings whom they identified as "Gods".
    But now scientists who are the true seekers of knowledge(within their limitations) have been able to explore into such abnormal behaviour of nature and learn that they are due to simple natural reasons.
    I was prompted to post the above comment by the word "wrath" which you probably, beautifully and poetically used.There are chances that the satellite communications will be affected adversely.But let us hope that such calamities may not eat into our life on the earth.
    The consequences are serious in that GPS would be affected which omakes flights of air crafts would become more difficult.

  3. I hope you are referring to the Carrington event of 1859.

    The term " sun wrath " is not my own poetical use.

    Scientists called it so.

    In this connection please refer to the link. Http:://


  4. The right link is.

