Wednesday, April 17, 2013

HYDROGEN for vehicles as fuel to run them.

A news item appeared in the Internet Edition of Malayalam News "DEEPIKA",has published a news that the Engineering College students of Musaliyar Engineering college,Pathanamthitta has after research found out that Hydrogen can be used as a substitute for Petrol & Diesel . The Students who did the research to arrive at the discovery of a new equipment which does the separation of Hydrogen from Water with the method of Electrolysis. The name of the Equipment is ,however,not known. The method used is to pass on Hydrogen separated from water to the The engine of the Vehicle through it's inlet Valve. The names of the researchers of the B-Tech final year Students of Mechanical Branch are1)A.B.Ebraham,2)Raju Mohemed Ansari3)M.M.Midhin,4)Sajo.S.Vargheese& V.Vishnu. The research students claim that by using Hydrogen so produced a lot of savings in the Cost of Fuel is Possible. They also claim that This method could also reduce pollution. The price assessed by them to introduce the Equipment( name unknown)could be in the region of RS12,500/- They also claim that any 2500c.c.engine without any technical modification can be used for running Vehicles. If made practical ,they say,60% of savings in the cost of Fuel ( Petrol or Diesel) could be achieved. The Discovery seems to be new step in this field. There is one aspect which is not yet clear.Wherefrom the water required for Running vehicles could be made available? Can water be carried in cans & used? Or is it likely to be Costly & expensive affairs like purifying Seawater into pure Drinking Water? These are important factors which could be thought before resorting to the usage of the newly discovered Equipment from the point of Economy. SreedharanMundanat 17thApril2013


  1. It is learnt that Hydrogen is highly expensive to can even if stored on board ,the distance could be just about 300 miles when refilling would be required.

    Apar from this,Hydrogen contains much less Energy as compared to the Gasolene or Diesel.
    In view of this the new research seems to be ,though good,a futile effort which does not appear tobe economical to fetch fuel efficiency

  2. If Hydrogen could be used as fuel in place of Petrol or diesel economically& with Fuel efficiency in regard to the Energy element ,the advanced nations with more scientific technologies should have resorted to using Hydrogen instead of Petrolium Products.

  3. The Engineering Students should devote more attention to new discoveries than rediscovering Outdated Technologies
