This blog, The complete the material incorporated is not mine.I saw a part of this on the Net as interesting gyan
which influenced my attitude immensely.
So I thought I should share the knowledge I gathered with social net work so that others also could read,appreciate
or reject the way they deemed fit.The synopsis of what I learned from net is briefed below:
The Hindu Vedic culture is not basically against women which prevents them from taking part in Vedic rituals.
There are some vested interests that gave a publicity that the Vedic deeds are out of bounds for women.
The Vedic Attitude towards Women is very pure,clear and in no way on ambiguous terms.
As we all know and consider the Women are the pillars of Society.It is impossible to thrive in our society without
the services from women.Still there are some who boast they could manage everything without help from Women.This
kind of attitude is just Myth and ignorance.Women have equal Status,education,Resources and Dignity as much as men
In fact,if a society has to stand up with their heads high,it is an inevitable need to involve women in all the
areas of activity such as knowledge,Dignity and Leadership.
But our history shows that the the women were ignored to make it so unfortunate as to the extent of considering
Women as a commodity either for sensual Pleasure Or for servile jobs.This did not happen in a day.The degradation
of women started before 1000 years of Mahabharat.
Later when the Islamic invasion in the middle ages took place the degradation process which was prevailing had
deteriorated further resulting in the society becoming weaker and weaker day by day. In short it turned into
Cavardly,tortured,multilated,And devastated.
The Vedic advice on women had at all times been encouraging for them and never underestimated their ability and
But these virtues of Vedic culture were ignored later on and the price paid for it had been indeed very heavy.
In the name of Dharma ,though not mentioned so anywhere in Vedas,The undeserving lot among the ancient Indians
dictated that Women did not deserved the right to study Vedas or recite Vedic Mantras. They were not shameful to
spread this as a norm and to adhere to it so as to make the society hypocritical.
They were the real enemies of Hinduism who denied the right for women to stud Vedas or even reciting the Mantras.
Even though there are clear evidences towards atrocities on women were started with the invasion of the Mughals
and to some extent after the regime of Britishers, there does not appear to have any evidence of who made the
scripts disallowing the women to study Vedas and chantMantras.
Anyhow,this was imposed on women and the torture and atrocities were being continuesd even today in the form of
Misbehavior and attacks on womwen.Mostly poor women are subjected to the torture .
Every Government claim to have made rules ,laws and regulations to protect women but none of this is found to be
effective as is evident from the fact that the women are being attacked under the nose of the so called great
rulers. The guilty are not punished enough.
If one makes a close examination of the the Vedic rituals that are being performed even today in different placces
Called "yajnas" and " Yagas" ( for eg Athiraatram) we could find that the women are afforded prominent places in
The process
The Yajaman ( the performer of Yajna) performs the Yajna with wife.Scholars perform their Yajna with wives to
achieve ultimate Bliss.In some places of Rigveda it is mentioned about the mother and sisters performing Yajna
together and achieving Bliss.All the members ofa family together are also allowed to perform Yajna to achieve
Thus the Vedas are not against the women performing Vedic rituals
In some places now the Women started mingling with men to perform Yajnas and Yagas though not popular.
This should be continued widely among our cocieties.As such proposals preventing women was made by some prominent
persons who are in the frontline of the Hindu Societies especially Bhramin community raise their eyebrows and
ultimately close their eyes when it comes to making decision.This kind of attitudes should cease to exist.
Recently in The famous Guruvayur Temple the women who were not allowed to enter with Churidar & Pajamas
were allowed to do so.But the system where restrictions are imposed on dress code and the need to enter without
shirt ,pant or vests for men prevailing in Guruvayur is still being observed in Padmanabhaswamy Temple in
This system still prevail in many Temples in India while such restrictions are not prevailing in the Temples abroad
where the worship is being done without making any restriction for dress code
It is a matter which can not digest what the dress has to do with the Bhakti cult in India.if the mind of the
person is pure and clear what has it to do with the dress code.The vice versa,if the mind is not clear and pure
how the dress code alone can make the worship of God worthy? The norm prescribed ( but not being strictly
followed by devotees)is that devotees should take bath before entering a Temple.This norm implies the refreshing of
the body which can be appreciated. But no way to ensure that everyone enters Temple refreshed
Since India is being ruled by the Party which gives principles of Hindutua more stress than anything else will it
be possible for the present Government to remove all restrictions prevailing now relating to visiting Temples ?
Will this Government look into the need to eradicate Atrocities on women ,besides making rules and regulations
alone on the matter?
Coming back to the Vedic culture,there had been many Universities in India dealt with the study of Vedas and other
topics such as Grammar,Philosophy ,Ayurveda ,Agriculture,Surgery ,Politics,Archery,Warfare,science,Music,Dance and
many more subjects .
All these universities are scattered and spread over India,Pakistan and Bengladesh in ruined state.They are mainly
as indicated below:
1) Nagarjunakonda(AP)India,2)Nalanda,Patna,India,3)Jagaddala,Bengal,India 4)Sharda Peeth- Sarda( Pak occupied
Kashmir)5) Thakshasila( Rawalpindi) Pakistan!6)Vikramasila( Bihar),India 7)Somapura Mahavihara( Bengladesh ).
The pictures of these ruined Universities are shown below respectively in the above order:

Even though nothing useful could be done with these Universities can the present Government giving importance to
Hindutua would be able to trace at least the scripts relating to them to know more about them.These could be
available and spread over Museums all over the World.
Just one University with name Banaras Hindu University exists now after all others were destroyed by Mughal
Invasion and British Invasion.
If any trace of the documents ( Scripts) could be made it could throw more light to the Vedic culture
India, since Independence was ruled by many different parties like Congress,Janata Party,NDA and UPA.
It is absurd to say that since Independence Congress alone ruled India over 65 years mostly by Nehru family.Others
too have ruled this noble country.However,wide publicity as to the Nehru family alone ruled India was spread to
make people believe with a view to getting into Power.None of the rulers ever made any attempt to retrieve the
remains of Vedic culture.
None was interested in promoting& Protecting women the way they deserved to exist equally in par with men.
Similarly none showed any progress to remove all the unwarranted customs prevailed over the Temples in India
Will the present regime highlighting themselves as the protectors of Hindutua would be able to look into the
matters mentioned above? Performing YOGA alone without removing the dirt of bad thoughts from mind while
performing, just for the sake of posing for Photographs alone can not refine and purify India.
Sreedharan Mundanat
28th of June 2015
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