Bats of the variety generally found all over Kerala and in India are classified as MegabatsThey are considered as
the largest kind of bats.
In Kerala they are popularly known as VAWALS.The reason for calling them thi way is unknown.
The bats are pure vegetarians .They are fond of Nectars,honey,Flowers blossom,Pollen and fruits.
These species are Neither dangerous to human beings nor the crops maintained by human.
They come towards evening and eat fruitscwhich are freely available and hanging from trees.The ripe mangoes are
perfect examples.if the mangoes are perfectly ripe and is hanging from the mangoes trees it is not going to matter
much if Flying foxes(bats)consume them.This action never destroys the Mango tree.
In a village near Thrissur where I stay sometimes there are plenty of Bats around.I had opportunity to observe
therir habits for a week.They always come every day evening when it is not fully dark.At dawn to be more précis.
They used to come over to the garden of Pantain trees in the evening 6-00 as if they maintain a clock.as soon as
they arrive one. Could easily make out their arrival because of the sound of their wings as well as the sound made
by the ols leaves of the plantain trees.
As soon as they come ,they toto the plantain tree where there is yield with flower .they just consume the honey
like substance in the flower.Then switch over to the next tree.They have arival also to compete with.they are
squirrels.Squirrels are also fond of the honeybfrom Plantain tree.when the squirrel enters the scene the bat leaves
for another tree.The squirrel is very clever and follows it to the next tree also.Thus the Squirrel never allows
the bat to completely consume the honey available on a tree.This competition is very interesting to watch.this
drama is repeated every day so long as the season lasts.
The squirrel is harmful to the crop while the bat is not..Squirrels should be driven away from the garden of fruit
bearing trees.
Both Squirrel and Bat look very innocent. Both are vegetarians.
squirrels are living in special kind of nest made by them on the coconut trees.they use parts of coconut and
coconut trees to make their nest.
The bats are living by hanging from the trees with branches where leaves are grown thickly.from down below it is
difficult to trace them during day time.They sleep the entire day.they have no vision during day while they have
perfect vision at night.
When you look at them if you are lucky to trace them ,you could judge how innocent they are.Their face look like a
fox.This is how they got the name Flying fox.
They also live in Dark rooms on the top of old traditional village houses.in our original home called "tharavadu"
in a village theyvare still there .I have very closely observes them because they won't moveaway but instead go on
hanging without making even minute sound.They will not attack even if they are not alone.Usually there will be at
least 5 bats in a Room.they hang from the wooden bars of the roof .Though theybdo not harm in any way bby
attacking ,they sometime make the room dirty if their stay therein is longer.Asthe entrance to such roof rooms are
not through staircase and instead from a trapdoor which opens upwards,no one bother to verify their presence .
As the roof rooms are not used for any purpose except to spread paddy sometimesin the season ,no one bother about
the bats.besides if they observe presence of human beings around ,they quit the place and find alternative shelter
in trees of the same compound
It is still a mystery for me how this innocent creature appeared in Vampire stories.
However,their name was made into superhero status by DC Comic Books by Bob Kane
Anyhow it is a relief to note the bats turned into superhero roles from the much lower vampire roles.

Recently ,I happened to read a media news that many bats( flying foxes) were dead due to extreme heat in AP.
This prompted me to write this blog as I am familiar with the bats as well as children whose hero besides
Spiderman is Batman.
I tried my best to take picture of the bat feeding itself from the Plantain tree flower, but could not get one
because they always very cleverly remained hidden partially.
Sreedharan Mundanat
4th June 2015
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