The National Panjayathi Raj day was inaugurated by the then Prime Minister Mammohan Singh on on 24th of july2010,the heart and soul of this decentralisation model of Governance took root with the efforts of Late Prime Minister of India Rajiv Gandhi
The concept of 3 tier Panjayath system Known as District Level,Block level and Village level was followed in Rajasthan partially,but until 1993 when Rajiv Gandhi Came up with the slogan" Power to the People" and amended the Constitution of India With 73rd act of
amendment of Constitution of India on
24 the of April 1993 the concept became a reality.The day 24th April 1993 was established as a Land mark day in the History of India.
This amendment when passed by both houses of Parliament the act came into existence with A Gazette notification.
This enabled a large number of people namely,Women,Scheduled caste and scheduled Tribes of the rural area in beginning to enjoy the fruit of Democracy
One third of Women,scheduled caste and scheduled tribes were thus recognized for reservation of seats to represent people .This amendment also assured the representation & The devlution of funds and decisionm making Right down to the villages making India the largest democracy &the most representative Democracy of the World
Since then civic elections and forming of Pachatyth system of rule began in India in full swing.
The Panchayats Raj day is celebrated in India on 24th of April every year after Prime Minister Manmohan Singh inaugurated it in 2010.
This day is not generally celebrated by State Governments or Three tier Panchayats in India.
However,the Panchayats Raj day is being celebrated in the State of Kerala on 19th of May.How the date declared by the former Prime minister of India changed from 24 theApril to 18th May was researched to find that this new date celebrated from last year is being continued as 19th of May being the birthday of former Gujrat Chief Minister Balwant Rai
This year it is being celebrated on 18th and 19th of May 2019 at Thrissur the district of the Local Government Minister Shri A.CMoideen.
There was many cultural programmes yesterday in various Panchayats.
The allocation of funds for this purpose is being arrived at Rs4 crores approximate
This is amidst the celebrations of the 1000 days of completion of the State Government.The divastating flood in Kerala was in the month of August 2018.The dramatic irony is even after the completion of 6 months the task of building houses for the victims is yet to be started while The Naval chief of Southern Naval command,Kochi who was taking interest in the rescue operations by offering Helicopters has built a house and handed over key to one Mr.Babu whom he found deserving and very much in need ofa house.

Besides,the elements on which approximately Rs4crores were to be spent was for routine matters where no urgent need can be thought of.
At least 100 houses could have built and handed overby using the money spent for Panchayat Rash days on 18Th& 19th of May 2019 in The issue alone alone by using Rs4, crores approximately.
The purpose for which the amount was spent would make one think why so much money for just a Panchayat Raj day celebration
The full details of celebration of the event only by Kerala state was as under:
Just representatives of people,officials and ministers were to take part in the official celebrations.
At lest 2 persons from 941 Village Panchayats,152 Block Panchayats,6 Corporations,14 District Panchayats,14 Dy.Directors,
Directors office,the Minister’s office,together comes to approximately 2432 people.
There would be at least 1000 drivers also to be added.Thus adding Miscellaneous arrivals the welcome committee at Thrissur
Estimated the number of people to take part as 4000.
The cost of food for 4000 people to be served at least 3 times a day for two days 18th and 19th of February 2019 would approximately work out to Rs30 lakhs.
There is also a proposal to give everyone gifts worth Rs 2000/- each.
The rent for Lulu Convention Hall at Puzhakkal Thrissur is 10 lakhs for 2 Days.
Hotel accommodation for participants except a few from,Thrissur,Ernakulam,Malappuram&Palkkadu would work out to Rs50 Lakhs.The advance of Rs 20 Lalkhs already paid to Hotels in the city of Thrissur.
It is also decided the fuel charges for vehicles are to be found from the funds ofLocal Administration of Panchayats.
The TA/DA would be paid by the Government which can be availed off from the representative funds.
The cultural programs relating to this Panchayth day celebrations are to be held in Thekkumkadu Maidan around Vadakkumnathan Temple.
For Host districts the amount to be spent from local Panchayth branches was 20,000/-and other district branches of Panchayats was 15000/- last year.There was a special provision to spend upto 40000/-also last year.
This year,however,the orders for these were not forthcoming.
There was a method of saving money from the funds of certain activities to find sufficient funds for Panchayth Day celebrations.:
They are 1)The state school festivals which were to be done by using 6 crores we're done by using 2 crores.
1)Bhinnashsehi(handicapped) Day and related cultural programs were not conducted.Amount saved is unknown.
3)The Keralotsavam which generally conducted by Panchayth was not conducted.Amountcsaved unknown.
4)Chalachitramela( Film festival) which is usually conducted by spending Six and half crores was conducted for Three and half crores.
5)The international Drama festival usually conducted at 2.1 crores is expected to be conducted at 95 lakhs this year.
Thus the amount saved and the actual amount spent for Panchayats are yet to be made known.
However an approximate calculation would indicate that there was a total savings of8.16 crores by spending less than the allowable expenses
Out of this even if 4 crores allowed for the Panchayats Raj Day celebrationstge balance of savings a would be in the region of 4.16 crores.
So although the change of nature of funds is not allowed under rules,the peculiar circumstances involved in this case ,the saving of 4.16 crores may now be utilized for building houses for needy people who are the victims of Flood.Althogh it is too late at least 100 houses can be constructed with immediate effect as mentioned in the beginning of this blog.
There is a condition in the Government rules for spending that the funds allotted for one program in Budget can not be spent for another purpose.
It would appear that the amount saved is much above the amount spent for Pachayath Raj Day ie 4 crores approximately.
The details of these activities and the actual amount spent are best known to the Government alone.
Altogether ,why a Panchayth day envisaged by the the former PM as 24th April as per amendment to Constitution of India was changed to 18th and 19th of February( preponed) and how the funds to such large scale was ,in fact, spent is also unlknown.
Funds saved are to be surrendered.
However,it should be examined whether the savings can be spent for constructing 100 houses to the Flood victims and if so actions would be necessary to be taken expeditiously.
The spending of Fund meant for one purpose being spent for anotherpurpose is usually not allowed in Governmental
So the approval of competent authority would be necessary to proceed further to build houses for the victims of Flood.
Courtsey: Based on a report appeared in the Mathrubhumi daily of 13th JJanuary 2019)