Friday, July 13, 2018

Flying Frogs &Snake butterflies

Here is a blog on Flying Frogs & snake butterflies based on information gathered from media and net. It is a well known fact in relation to Environment,rare and protected species in the Western Ghat that a lot of different species are being ignored and the exploitation og the ghats for commercial benefits thereby denying the right to live by rare species existing in the Western Ghats.Until now various frogs are stated to be under threat from hunters. Recently it is reported in the media{malaalamanorama dt 8th July 2018)that a flyinf frog was found in the garden of the Police station and confirmed to be flying frog of the category called Rhacaphorous Malabarcus and can fly upto 15 meters according to the Doctors from the Forestry college of Vellikkulangara.The reason for the arrival of these frogs into the garden is gussed to be owing to the destroyal of rainforests in nearby areas.The usual habit of these rare frogs is to hide in the leaves of plants most of the time.A policeman examining the plants in the premises of the police station found it and reported. All flyiNg frogs especially toad skinned & Rhacophorus typesfound in western ghats are in endangered list.The simple reason is the destruction of forest trees by encroachments and natural calamities like storms This frog is stated to have escaped from the nearby forest area and took a safe place.But how it has come to the Police station or has it been planted there by any one engaged in encroachment is a mystery . It is also seen from the same report that snake butterfly seen at night also took shelter in the same police station The presence of both together in the same night in the same police station would appear to be suspicious to the effect that someone purposely kept them in the area of Police station to find and rescue them. In any case it is a good happening whether incidental or a good gesture from a rain forest encroacher. This incident reported in the media relating to a Police station is enough for the authorities to think about the speciality of the environment and need to protect the western ghats and the rare species and medicinal plants available Bleh there. The Gadgil report and Kasturirangan reports are still in store without any purposeful suggestions .Neither central nor state Government have taken any firm decision on the protection of the forests and mountains , Even now digging of mountain for mineral sands and destroyal of forests for easy buckS are going on with and without permission of the authorities as reported in the media. Urgent and. Earnest action would appear to be necessary to save Western Ghats from disaster as the protection to the ghats has many serious repurcurssions if not looked into urgently.The rain and all other climatical benefits to the states of Kerala,Karnataka,Goa and Maharashtra are at stake for want of implementing the recommendations of Shri.Gadgil and shri.Kasturi Rangan reports, SreedharanMundanat 12 the July 2018

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