The budget presented in the Parliament is unmoving,unchanging,reflecting the existing policies& concerning with the
Statue of prominent Leader.Thus this Budget is all in one of a Static,Statusquo& Staue Budget.
There does not appear to have much of a deviation from the Budget of the Predecessor.
The present presenter of the Budget had criticized the Predecessor on various counts especially keeping the Target
Of Fiscal Deficit of 4.1 percent in the interim Budget of current year.But what he did is just acknowledging the
efforts as right & kept the same target for the presentt Budget.this is a clear indication of maintaining the
Status Quo.
There was loud announcement of increasing the taxable income to Rs 5 Lakhs which incidentally had given hope for
common man and accordingly voted to power the present regime.
But then actual increase was just from Rs 2 Lakhs to 2.5 Lakhs & corresponding increase from 2.5 Lakhs to 3 Lakhs
For senior citizen.
The Rs 50000/- margin would look peanut considering the General trend of Price increase of almost all commodities.
Even Rs 5lakhs promised before Election in their manifesto was not Enough to cope up with the Burden of Common man to meet the exorbitant prices of essential items.
Similarly ,there had been severe criticism on the earlier regime in resorting to foreign
Investment.But what the present Budget indicates is following the same policy keeping the Reduced
percentage at 49percent.
There is no attempt to curtail the & concessions allowed on tax to Corporates .on the
contrary there are more concessions allowed to corporates.
But still the Budget is being termed as common Man's budget.
In the Raiway Budget also there is stress for bringing private sector into the affairs controlled by the Government
.The reason mentioned for this in General as well as Railway Budget is improvement in Quality.
This is an open declaration that the Government can not look after themselves the need of the poor Poor people
The impact of readjustment of Subsidiaries allowed to public by reducing it by taking into account the Poverty
line, with a view to increasing the resources of government, Does not appear to be favoring common man.One never
Knows whether the intention of the Government is to do away with the subsidy allowed to all people above the
Poverty line.it is also not known at the moment whether any margin for income for people above Poverty line would
Be fixed in such a way that the expenditure of Government is controlled favorably.if so,the present concesion of
Rs50,000/-would not benefit the people particularly in view of the increasing trend of prices.
The Budget also gave lavish allotments to some states of choice like,Gujrat,UP,Maharashtra, Tamil
Naadu,Telengana& Andhra .But other parts of the nation totally ignored.
States like Kerala & southern parts.
The benefits allowed in the tax limit is just marginal which any Government would have done as a matter of routine
The States of UP blessed with huge allotments for Ganga,Gaya & Lucknow.
The expectation of common man, prior to election after hearing the announcements ,was that the Government would
take special steps to Contorol prices,control economical discipline& take steps to secure the food for poor.
There had been various announcements to the Ports in India.
.But the Vizhinjam project a prestigious project of Kerala ignored as if such a project is unknown to centre
The Diamond Industries of Surat in Gujrat protected specially in the budget.
The worst part of the Budget is regarding the security for food for all especially the poor.
The previous Government had celebrated the Right for food as a prestigious issue.
In the last 60 years no Government in this Holy Nation could find a solution for the food for the poor in India
According to a recent Report of the Rangarajan Panel,36 Crores of People in India do not have resources to keep
themselves free from hunger.in other words almost 29% of the population are without proper food in India.
To cope up with this situation & with a view to eradicating poverty the previous Goverment passed an Act of Right
to food.
The cost of Implementation of the project to find food for poor was an estimated 1.25 Lakhs($22 Billion)
In this connection my Blogs dt 9th May 2013 & 3rd April 2014 are relevant where the food issue is discussed in
The present Budget has no proper place & no proper mention about how this Food project would be looked after.
Similarly there was hue& cry about Black money & the Black money would be traced& brought to India.
But the Budget is Silent in this regard also.People had a lot of hope about this isse.
In a nutshell,if one thinks that the Budget is a private oriented one or a personal choice Budget & not a budget of
a Government, such thinking can not be termed as a wrong assumption.
11th July 2014
7-07 PM(iST)
In line 8 upward from the bottom ,there is a mention of the estimated cost of Food Project as $22 billion.the corresponding value in Indian money is mentioned as 1.25 Lakhs.this may kindly be read correctly as " 1.25Lakhs Crores of Rupees"(1.25 LakhsXCrore Rupees).Error is regretted .