Pokkali fields is a place where quality rice as well as prawn is being put to farming turn by turn to produce quality rice and quality prawns.
The method is easy.From November to April Prawn farming can be done and from November to April the pokkali rice can be cultivated.
The advantage is that while thec Prawn farming is done at the end of farming the decay helps as manure for next sessonal pockali rice and vice versa for Prawn next season.
This had been continuously a process f\or years together and helped Ernakulam districtb to produce Pockali rice and Prawn.
As in the case of any other busines in this area also the interfearence from Mafia could not be prevented as a resultb of which the availability of trained labourers is understood to have been affected threatening the production of rice and prawn.To cope up with the situation and to improve the industry a thirsd product Duck farming also tried recently.The idea was to produce ducks for Easter celebrations.How far this helped in unknown.
in the meantime the new arrival of Metro project in Kochi is stated to have affected as an exodus of labourers from farming to the rail project is suspected as the later was more favourable and better paid for lbourers.This is ,however,not confirmed although there had been shortage in the production of the pockali rice,Prawn andv thev third Duckfarming.
In the meantime a report appeared in a national news paper the Hindu recently shows the Large pockali field has become a centre of attraction fotb migrating birds as in tghe case of Wester Ghats and Malabar area.
A copy of the report is incorporated below which is self explanatory.:
As per the report above and Blogs dt15th April 2014 & 3rd April 2018 from Sreedharan Mundanat under htttp://smundanat.Blogspot.com ,the pokkali fields need to be urgently conserved and farmers should be encouragedto cultivate pokkali rice and prawn farming in equal interval every year so as to provide mutual decay benefit for both the process.The Pokkali Rice production and Prawn farming are mainly carried out in Thrissur,Ernakulam and Alapuzha districts and is a sure source of quality rice and Prawn
It is also a sure source to earn Foreign business to earn foreign exchange too.
The Government should ,therefore ,should take active interest to protect these farming without any element of neglect in future.
Sreedharan Mundanat
21st May 2018.