This Blog Is in continuation of my Blog dt 6th January 2012 regarding " Death of Earth"( Bhumiyude Maranam.
The North and South Pole Regions have some Environment specialities being Extreme cold Environment.These two
Regions stand out for their grand ice Landscapes and fascinating Life Around.The places are so special to see
peoplewrapped in Furry Clothes and sledges driven by Dogs across the white Glaciers,Penguins,Polar bears and
Amazing Aurora.
These places are being visited by Scientists of different countries as the Alarmig Global Temperature began rising.
In this efforts from the world,INDIA did not que behind and instead sent their scientists also to explore the
possibilities further to arrive at a conclusion solution in the Global Phenomenon
In order to collect data relating to the Phenomenon,a team of Indian Scientist headed by Dr.K.P.Krishnan recently.
Dr.K.P.Krishnan is a scientist D at the National Centre for Antarctic and Ocean Research,Goa(NCAOR).Surprisingly,
Dr.Krishnan is also a trained KATHAKALI artist from India
The team headed by Dr.K.P.Krishnan had made their first Expedition to Antarctica in 2007 and the Arctic in 2008. He
now heads the Planning,coordination and Implementation of the Indian Arctic Programme.
According to Dr.Krishnan,the Globalimportance of Changes taking place in the Global Temperature and Climate Change is
a sensitive issue in front of Scientists.He says when they wax eloquent about Climate changes what absolutely needed
was to notice and address the huge loss of Sea ice in the Arctic.He is also the Principal Investigator of the long
term monitoring Project of Kongsfjorden( an inlet on the West Coast of Spitsbergen,an island which is part of the
Svalbard archipelago In the Arctic Ocean for studies on Climate Changes)
According to Dr.Krishnan there is some amount of Sea Ice that is perennlal and some that melts and returns annually.
This is critical for the Ecosystem, if ice not returned enough,because ecosystem is depending on it.
The recent Phenomenon of Polar Bears is an evidence for shortage of Sea ice.Polar Bears usually are hunting for food
by standing on the sea ice and digging holes on it for the Seals to prop up and eat them when they show.But under
changed circumstances ,the Polar Bears are being deprived of their food and are being forced to trespass to Human
habitations.The Polar Bears had never before faced such warm conditions in which they could not hunt their food.
This situation could get worse in the coming years according to Dr.Krishnan.
IndARC,India's underwater observatory in the Arctic works to provide data crucial to understanding climate Pattern in
the Polar Region and it's possible influence on the Indian Monsoon that is vital to Agriculture in the subcontinent.
This Observatory in the Kongsfjorden is expected to help Indian Reseachers collect Primary data on long term Climate
variability in the Arstic.
India has a Scientific settlement in Ny- Alesund,in Spitsbergen with each Nation having it's own Observatory and
Station where serious work is on all working on the same goal, Called Climate and Climate Change.India uses Sensors
to collect real- time data on Seawater Temperature,Salinity,Current and other vital Parameters of the fjord.This
Region is of special significance to Indian Subcontinent due to the existence of Atmospheric connection between the
Northern Polar Region and the Indian Monsoon intensity. The new data could be used to fine tune Models for predicting
the various facets of the Indian Moonsoon System.
So,the efforts and pains taken by the Scients and their set up of Scientific Equipments in difficult circumstances
of Extreme cold Conditions are commendable and is to be praised and appreciated by the Indians.
Thus ,let us hope the disaster predicted regarding the End of world by the end of the Century could be averted or
minimised to a very large extent.
However ,after all there is limitations to the troubles taken by Man against Nature.Nature is the absolute dictator
Of calamities.
The Scientists working day and night in odd conditions of the coldest areas ,however,would not turn into futile
efforts,let us hope and Pray.Every Indians and the world are indebted to them for the work they do with National
Spirit and ultimate Devotion !!!.
Our Honourable Prime Minister,who missed the United Nations Climate Summit of 2014 ,had said later on facing the
United Nations General Assembly that YOGA Could deal with Climate and stop Climate Changes .
So let us Pray for the words of our Honourable Prime Minister to avert the disaster that could
be caused by Climate Change and the rapidly growing Global Temperature.
Sreedharan Mundanat
1st of April2016